Weg in die Wildnis
Anjelica Huston, Rick Schroder, Robert Urich, Danny Glover, Robert Duvall, Barry Corbin, Chris Cooper, D.B. Sweeney, Diane Lane, Tommy Lee JonesSie sind zwei Haudegen vom alten Schlag: Die beiden ehemaligen Texas Ranger Augustus „Gus“ McCrae (Robert Duvall) und Woodrow F. Call (Tommy Lee Jones) haben sich im Grenzstädtchen Lonesome Dove als Viehhändler niedergelassen. Als ihr Ex-Kollege Jake Spoon (Robert Urich) nach zehn Jahren Abwesenheit auftaucht und ihnen von Montana vorschwärmt, beschließen die beiden, eine Herde Rinder dorthin zu treiben. Die Tiere besorgen sich Gus und Woodrow in Mexiko, indem sie Viehdieben kurzerhand deren Beute entwenden. Mit einigen Getreuen und einem Team von Cowboys geht’s in Richtung Montana – ein langer Treck voller Gefahren, den nicht alle Teilnehmer überleben werden.
Retired Texas Rangers Gus McRae and Woodrow Call are content to live out their remaining years in the tiny Texas town of Lonesome Dove. Then their old friend Jake comes to town, and tells them about the incredible opportunities for cattle ranching in Montana. Encouraged by this, Call convinces Gus and many other townspeople to go on a perilous cattle drive to Montana. Gus has another agenda though: his former sweetheart now lives in Nebraska, and he hopes for a second chance with her. As the drive goes on it takes on an epic scale, ultimately becoming what could well be called the central event in the lives of all involved.
Retired Texas Rangers Gus McRae and Woodrow Call are content to live out their remaining years in the tiny Texas town of Lonesome Dove. Then their old friend Jake comes to town, and tells them about the incredible opportunities for cattle ranching in Montana. Encouraged by this, Call convinces Gus and many other townspeople to go on a perilous cattle drive to Montana. Gus has another agenda though: his former sweetheart now lives in Nebraska, and he hopes for a second chance with her. As the drive goes on it takes on an epic scale, ultimately becoming what could well be called the central event in the lives of all involved.