Wickie und die starken Männer
Eiko Masuyama, Yoko Kurita, Kousei TomitaWickie ist ein kleiner Junge mit rotblondem, schulterlangem Haar, der mit seinen Eltern Ylva und Halvar, dem Dorfhäuptling, im kleinen Wikingerdorf Flake lebt. Er ist kein typischer Wikingerjunge, sondern von Natur aus ängstlich und nicht besonders stark. Dafür überzeugt er durch seine ausgeprägte Intelligenz, mit der er den Erwachsenen und Freunden auch in scheinbar ausweglosen Situationen immer wieder beisteht und ihnen zur Lösung verhilft.
Long ago, in a little Viking Village called Flake, young Wickie lives a happy life. His father, Halvar, is the chief of the Vikings, and would have liked a son a little more courageous. So, he and his team take Wicke along on their journeys to give him the experience he'll need to be a real Viking. Yet, somehow Halvar and his men end up trapped or hopelessly stuck somewhere in most cases, and it`s up to Wickie alone to help them out with his flashes of wit.
Long ago, in a little Viking Village called Flake, young Wickie lives a happy life. His father, Halvar, is the chief of the Vikings, and would have liked a son a little more courageous. So, he and his team take Wicke along on their journeys to give him the experience he'll need to be a real Viking. Yet, somehow Halvar and his men end up trapped or hopelessly stuck somewhere in most cases, and it`s up to Wickie alone to help them out with his flashes of wit.