Wolf Creek
Greg McLeanSchauspieler:
Dustin Clare, Lucy Fry, John JarrattDer Sadist Mick Taylor (John Jarratt) hat sich einmal mehr eine amerikanische Touristenfamilie auf Australienurlaub ausgeguckt, die er terrorisieren und zerstören will. Doch diesmal wendet sich nach dem Massaker das Blatt. Die 19-jährige Eve (Lucy Fry) überlebt die Tortur und plant akribisch ihre grausame Rache.
Serienadaption des gleichnamigen australischen Horrorfilms, die ebenfalls von Regisseur und Autor Greg McLean kreiert wurde.
Wolf Creek, a six-part drama series, is a psychological thriller set in the world that fans of the films will recognize - but this time things are different. At first the pattern is familiar: Mick Taylor targets an American tourist family to terrorize and destroy. But the tables are turned when 19-year-old Eve survives the massacre and starts to rebuild her shattered existence by embarking on a mission of revenge.
Wolf Creek, a six-part drama series, is a psychological thriller set in the world that fans of the films will recognize - but this time things are different. At first the pattern is familiar: Mick Taylor targets an American tourist family to terrorize and destroy. But the tables are turned when 19-year-old Eve survives the massacre and starts to rebuild her shattered existence by embarking on a mission of revenge.