You are Wanted
Hanno Hackfort, Bob Konrad, Richard KropfSchauspieler:
Matthias Schweighöfer, Alexandra Maria Lara, Karoline Herfurth, Michael LandesIn der Serie „You are Wanted“ steht Lukas Franke (Matthias Schweighöfer) im Zentrum.
Der Hotelmanager und Familienvater Lukas Frank (Schweighöfer), wird aus seinem Alltag gerissen, als jemand seine persönlichen Daten hackt und sein Leben nun völlig umschreibt. Plötzlich tauchen merkwürdige Botschaften auf. Beim BKA gilt er nun als Terrorverdächtiger.
Auch seine Frau (Alexandra Maria Lara) beginnt an ihm zu zweifeln. Spätestens als sein Kind bedroht wird, sieht Lukas Handlungsbedarf. Gemeinsam mit Lena Arandt (Karoline Herfurth), ein weiteres Hackingopfer, versucht er auf die Schliche der Drahtzieher zu kommen. Wer steckt dahinter? Warum wurde er auserkoren? Kann er seine Unschuld beweisen und sein altes Leben zurückgewinnen?
In You Are Wanted, Lukas Franke is the victim of a cyber-crime attack. All his personal data, web and social media profiles get hacked and he gets accused of being involved in eco-terrorism. Lukas struggles to prove that he is innocent. His family, friends and colleagues doubt his innocence and start suspecting him. Lukas tries to find out who is behind the cyber-attacks and finds another victim, Lena Arandt, with whom he tries to solve the situation. Together they find out that someone from the German BKA (Federal Criminal Police) pulls the strings behind this crime.
In You Are Wanted, Lukas Franke is the victim of a cyber-crime attack. All his personal data, web and social media profiles get hacked and he gets accused of being involved in eco-terrorism. Lukas struggles to prove that he is innocent. His family, friends and colleagues doubt his innocence and start suspecting him. Lukas tries to find out who is behind the cyber-attacks and finds another victim, Lena Arandt, with whom he tries to solve the situation. Together they find out that someone from the German BKA (Federal Criminal Police) pulls the strings behind this crime.