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Sven TaddickenSchauspieler:
Ronald Zehrfeld, Matthias Schweighöfer, Oliver Bröcker, Hinnerk SchönemannOstfriesland 1401: Die Ära der gefürchteten Seeräuber und besten Freunde Klaus Störtebeker und Gödeke Michels neigt sich dem Ende. Als endlich mal wieder fette Beute am Horizont auftaucht, wird Störtebeker im Kampf schwer verletzt und die Piraten schmählich geschlagen. Ihre Kogge ist futsch und Störtebeker plagen plötzlich generelle Zweifel am Piratendasein. Ihn zieht es zur schönen Bille an Land, während Michels bei der sexy Friesen-Prinzessin Okka abblitzt. Als auch noch die Mannschaft gegen die glücklosen Co-Kapitäne meutert und alles verloren scheint, entdecken sie an Bord ihrer maroden Schaluppe eine Wunderwaffe. Sie erleben noch einmal eine glorreiche Zeit - bis die Hanse aufrüstet und den Piraten nur eine Wahl bleibt: Ein Leben als Bauer oder der Tod als Pirat!
The era of the feared sea pirates Klaus Störtebeker and Gödeke Michels is coming to an end. After a long period with no booty at last a bulging ship appears on the horizon. However, Störtebeker is badly wounded in the attempted capture and the pirates suffer ignominious defeat. Not only their ship is down the drain - Störtebeker himself is suddenly plagued by anxiety and doubt about his very existence as a pirate. He is drawn to the beautiful country girl Bille, while Michels gets rebuffed by the friesian princess Okka. In the very moment that the crew have mutinied and co-captain Michels is literally at the end of his tether, they discover on board their ramshackle old tub a most unique wonder weapon. Glory days are quickly revived - until the mighty Hanse consolidate their power and weaponry and go to war against the pirates. Störtebeker and Michels are forced to decide: To live as a farmer or to die as a pirate.
The era of the feared sea pirates Klaus Störtebeker and Gödeke Michels is coming to an end. After a long period with no booty at last a bulging ship appears on the horizon. However, Störtebeker is badly wounded in the attempted capture and the pirates suffer ignominious defeat. Not only their ship is down the drain - Störtebeker himself is suddenly plagued by anxiety and doubt about his very existence as a pirate. He is drawn to the beautiful country girl Bille, while Michels gets rebuffed by the friesian princess Okka. In the very moment that the crew have mutinied and co-captain Michels is literally at the end of his tether, they discover on board their ramshackle old tub a most unique wonder weapon. Glory days are quickly revived - until the mighty Hanse consolidate their power and weaponry and go to war against the pirates. Störtebeker and Michels are forced to decide: To live as a farmer or to die as a pirate.