Alles Glück dieser Erde
Otto RetzerSchauspieler:
Uschi Glas, Maximilian Schell, Peter Simonischek, Fritz Karl, Marion Mitterhammer, Janina Flieger, Xaver Hutter, Maximilian Krückl, Miguel Herz-Kestranek, Gerhard Ernst, Gudrun Velisek, Stefan Matousch, Hera Lind, Dieter Assmann, Bernd Birkhahn, Ilse PeternellZu ihrer großen Überraschung erhält die tüchtige Kellnerin Gundula Kirchner von dem Gutshofbesitzer Xaver Schönborn das Angebot, sein Gestüt als Geschäftsführerin zu leiten. Gundula, die über einige Qualifikationen verfügt, nutzt die Chance und hat schon nach kurzer Zeit den Betrieb voll im Griff. Doch Xavers verwöhnte Tochter Helen und vor allem der ehrgeizige, aber unfähige Schwiegersohn René versuchen mit allen Mitteln, die engagierte Gundula vom Hof zu vertreiben. Niemand, am allerwenigsten Gundula selbst, ahnt, dass Xaver in Wahrheit ihr Vater ist.
To their big surprise, the capable waitress Gundula Kirchner receives from the estate owner Xaver Schönborn the offer to manage his stud as managing director. Gundula, who has some qualifications, seizes the opportunity and has the business under control after only a short time. But Xavers spoiled daughter Helen and especially the ambitious, but incompetent son-in-law René try by all means to drive the dedicated Gundula from the court. No one, least of all Gundula herself, suspects that Xaver is really her father.
To their big surprise, the capable waitress Gundula Kirchner receives from the estate owner Xaver Schönborn the offer to manage his stud as managing director. Gundula, who has some qualifications, seizes the opportunity and has the business under control after only a short time. But Xavers spoiled daughter Helen and especially the ambitious, but incompetent son-in-law René try by all means to drive the dedicated Gundula from the court. No one, least of all Gundula herself, suspects that Xaver is really her father.