Angst der Verlorenen
Don DohlerSchauspieler:
Don Leifert, Richard Nelson, Elaine White, George Stover, Greg Dohler, Kim PfeifferDer Satan fährt in den Körper einer Leiche und erweckt diese zu "untoten" Leben. Fortan wandelt der vom Teufel besessene Leichnam als Musikschullehrer Mr. Longefellow durch die Gegend und ermordet junge Frauen, da er deren Lebensenergie für seine eigene Existenz benötigt. Doch Longefellows Nachbar kommt dem finsteren Treiben auf die Schliche und stellt sich dem Satan in den Weg.
This low budget feature from Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler opens with a spirit entering into a gravesite and reanimating a corpse back to life as Mr. Longfellow. In order for him to stay alive, he needs to absorb the life energies out of the living by wrapping his hands around his victoms' throats.
This low budget feature from Baltimore filmmaker Don Dohler opens with a spirit entering into a gravesite and reanimating a corpse back to life as Mr. Longfellow. In order for him to stay alive, he needs to absorb the life energies out of the living by wrapping his hands around his victoms' throats.