Atomic Summer
Gaël LépingleSchauspieler:
Shaïn Boumedine, Carmen Kassovitz, Théo Augier, Constantin Vidal, Manon Valentin, Alexia Chardard, Jean-Marc Lombard, Antoine Delahousse, Christian Waldner, Dominique Thomas, Arnaud Dezitter, Rose-Marie Taillard, Jean-René LidyEin kritischer und gefährlicher Zwischenfall im lokalen Atomkraftwerk überrascht Victor und seine Freunde. Ihre späte Flucht mit dem Auto endet mit einer Panne, die Freunde verschanzen sich in einem verlassenen Farmhaus. Das steht aber inmitten der gefährdeten und evakuierten Zone, und schon bald droht ein nuklearer Fallout. Die nächsten 24h entscheiden über ihr Leben und Tod.
Extrem spannender Nuklearkatastrophen-Thriller über eine Gruppe normaler Menschen, die in einer lebensgefährlichen und ausweglosen Situation über sich hinauswachsen.
Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evacuated the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.
Victor, in his early 20s, works at the town hall and lives with his girlfriend Charlotte, who is expecting their first child. When an incident happens at the nearby nuclear power plant, he and his high school friends are forced to confine themselves inside a farmhouse, whereas they should have evacuated the area. As the rain is threatening, they are keeping an eye out for the radioactive cloud. The next 24 hours will be crucial.