Die Hölle von Kambodscha
Thierry NotzSchauspieler:
Matt Salinger, Sam Sorbo, Martin Sheen, Michael Ironside, Michael Nouri, John Getz, Haing S. NgorAls der kanadische Diplomat Carl Pimmler seinen Freund Peter Kernan und seine Frau Johanna tief in den Dschungel Kambodschas schickt, um eine Lastwagenladung Medizin zu liefern, erzählt er ihm nicht von der wahren Natur seines Geschäfts. Peter muss seine Erfahrung und sein Wissen über Südostasien nutzen, um sie aus diesem gefährlichen Durcheinander herauszuholen.
When Canadian diplomat Carl Pimmler sends his friend Peter Kernan and his wife Johanna to deliver medicine to the deep jungles of Cambodia, but Peter gets more than he bargained for when the journey ends in a fight for survival. Peter must use his experience and knowledge of South East Asia to get them out of this dangerous mess.
When Canadian diplomat Carl Pimmler sends his friend Peter Kernan and his wife Johanna to deliver medicine to the deep jungles of Cambodia, but Peter gets more than he bargained for when the journey ends in a fight for survival. Peter must use his experience and knowledge of South East Asia to get them out of this dangerous mess.