Auf den Spuren der Vergangenheit
Sharon von WietersheimSchauspieler:
Ursula Buschhorn, Ralf Bauer, Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht, Günther Schramm, Bernd Herzsprung, Carl Heinz Choynski, Ursula Staack, Björn Casapietra, Carin C. Tietze, Michael SchönbornNachdem sich Thaddeus Hartington vielen Jahren mit seinem Sohn David zerstritten hat, brach dieser den Kontakt mit seinem Vater ab. Inzwischen ist Thaddeus schwer erkrankt und muss sich einer Herzoperation unterziehen. Vorher will er jedoch mit David Frieden schließen. Thaddeus' Ärztin Kate begibt sich auf die Suche nach David. Dieser lebt in einer kleinen südenglischen Stadt mit seinem Sohn Jeffrey. Dort spürt Kate ihn auf und gewinnt mit ihrem Charme Davids Vertrauen. Zwischen ihnen entwickelt sich schließlich auch eine zarte Liebe.
Many years ago Thaddeus Hartington quarreled with his son David. Now he is seriously ill, but only wants to undergo a risky heart surgery, if he had the opportunity to reconcile with David. His dedicated doctor Kate sets out to find the missing person. She finds him in a small south English town, where he lives with his son Jeffrey. With charm and openness, Kate manages to win David's trust and eventually his heart. However, when he learns that Kate is on his father's behalf, this puts the young love to the test.
Many years ago Thaddeus Hartington quarreled with his son David. Now he is seriously ill, but only wants to undergo a risky heart surgery, if he had the opportunity to reconcile with David. His dedicated doctor Kate sets out to find the missing person. She finds him in a small south English town, where he lives with his son Jeffrey. With charm and openness, Kate manages to win David's trust and eventually his heart. However, when he learns that Kate is on his father's behalf, this puts the young love to the test.