Auf der Suche nach Mukapo
Norman FosterSchauspieler:
Johnny Crawford, Jay Silverheels, Pat Hogan, George J. Lewis, Joan Hallmark, Cinda Siler, Bill BlackwellDer Hauptlingssohn Nishko (Johnny Crawford) wächst zu einer Zeit auf, als die Indianer noch ungestört von Weißen in Nordamerika leben.
Nishkos Stamm gerät in Schwierigkeiten, als der verfeindete Stamm der “Snakes” drei Squaws und Nishkos Fohlen Mukapo raubt. Weil Nishko noch zu jung ist, um mit auf den Kriegspfad zu gehen, macht er sich heimlich allein im Feindesland auf die Suche nach seinem geliebten Pony.
Nishko is a chief's son in the Great Plains, before Europeans arrive. During his rite of passage, he's determined to tame a painted pony. He approaches manhood while his peaceful clan is set upon by a nearby tribe willing to break a treaty. He must also contend with the kidnapping of three young women from his village, his pony's illness behind enemy lines, his mother's coma after a rattlesnake bite, the medicine man's urging that he sacrifice what he loves best, the attack of a cougar and of wolves, and his own injury while alone in the woods. His kindness, bravery, and quick thinking serve him well, but rescue come from an unexpected source.
Nishko is a chief's son in the Great Plains, before Europeans arrive. During his rite of passage, he's determined to tame a painted pony. He approaches manhood while his peaceful clan is set upon by a nearby tribe willing to break a treaty. He must also contend with the kidnapping of three young women from his village, his pony's illness behind enemy lines, his mother's coma after a rattlesnake bite, the medicine man's urging that he sacrifice what he loves best, the attack of a cougar and of wolves, and his own injury while alone in the woods. His kindness, bravery, and quick thinking serve him well, but rescue come from an unexpected source.