Ausgerechnet Sex!
Andi NiessnerSchauspieler:
Valerie Niehaus, Maria Ehrich, Saskia Fischer, Helmfried von Lüttichau, Hildegard Schmahl, Johanna Baumann, Tom Beck, Julia Thurnau, Christopher Gareisen, Leander Lichti, Judith RosmairMarie ist eine konservative Hausfrau - bis zum tragischen Tod ihres Mannes: Nun muss sie allein für ihre Familie sorgen. Zum Glück war ihr Mann ein erfolgreicher Unternehmer! Doch das vermeintlich seriöse
Geschäft entpuppt sich als Pornofilm-Produktion "MarieX". Allerdings läuft das Unternehmen nicht gut. Marie muss ihre Vorurteile überwinden und die Firmenleitung übernehmen. Dabei lernt sie den attraktiven Star von "MarieX", Roy kennen, der ihr Gefühlsleben komplett durcheinanderwirbelt.
Housewife Marie is surprised by the tragic death of her husband. Suddenly she has to look after her family alone. Fortunately, her husband was an entrepreneur, so she takes over his business. To her astonishment, however, she discovers that the business is a pornographic film production company. She overcomes her aversion to the industry and leads “MarieX” to its former success. In the process, she also falls in love with the attractive porn actor Roy.
Housewife Marie is surprised by the tragic death of her husband. Suddenly she has to look after her family alone. Fortunately, her husband was an entrepreneur, so she takes over his business. To her astonishment, however, she discovers that the business is a pornographic film production company. She overcomes her aversion to the industry and leads “MarieX” to its former success. In the process, she also falls in love with the attractive porn actor Roy.