AVH: Alien vs. Hunter
Scott HarperSchauspieler:
William Katt, Dedee Pfeiffer, Wittly Jourdan, Randy MulkeyLee Custler beobachtet ein fliegendes Objekt, welches vor seinen Augen abstürzt. Als er mit dem Sheriff die Absturzstelle untersucht, stellt sich das Objekt als Raumschiff heraus, aus welchem ein todbringendes Alien ersteigt. Lee kann nur knapp entkommen und sucht Hilfe im nahe gelegenen Ort. Doch das Alien ist nicht das einzige Wesen aus dem Weltall, welches gelandet ist: Es wird verfolgt von einem gnadenlosen Jäger. Lee und seine Freunde sind gefangen zwischen den Fronten zweier außerirdischer Kreaturen, die sich bis zum Tode bekämpfen und alles vernichten, was sich ihnen in den Weg stellt.
A journalist named Lee Custler (William Katt) is out jogging when a flying object passes behind him and crashes. Sheriff Joel Armstrong (Collin Brock) picks him up and they go to check it out. They find an abandoned caravan close to where the object crashed. As they discover the object and realize it is a spaceship, an Alien emerges. The Alien (resembling a giant spider with a lizard-like head and torso) then chases them, after which Lee flees to the car. However Armstrong makes a stand, trips, falls and is killed by the Alien that then leaves. A terrified Tammy finds Lee and they call the local authorities but their car is destroyed by the Alien.
A journalist named Lee Custler (William Katt) is out jogging when a flying object passes behind him and crashes. Sheriff Joel Armstrong (Collin Brock) picks him up and they go to check it out. They find an abandoned caravan close to where the object crashed. As they discover the object and realize it is a spaceship, an Alien emerges. The Alien (resembling a giant spider with a lizard-like head and torso) then chases them, after which Lee flees to the car. However Armstrong makes a stand, trips, falls and is killed by the Alien that then leaves. A terrified Tammy finds Lee and they call the local authorities but their car is destroyed by the Alien.