Best Player
Damon SantostefanoSchauspieler:
Jerry Trainor, Jennette McCurdy, Amir Talai, Janet Varney, Jean-Luc Bilodeau, Nick Benson, Jan Bos, Osric Chau, Dan Joffre, Elfina Luk, Julia Maxwell, Lissa Neptuno, Kevin O'Grady, Jesse Reid, Gabrielle Rose, Malcolm StewartObwohl die Zwei nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten, sind Chris und Quincy zusammen auf Kollisionskurs. Chris ist eine unbeliebte High-School Schülerin. Quincy ist 30 Jahre alt und lebt immer noch im Keller bei seinen Eltern. Als Quincys Eltern ihm mitteilen, dass sie ihr Haus verkaufen und ihren Sohn im Stich lassen, startet er einen großen Gaming-Contest und sucht die Gegner die ihn schlagen können – er lernt „Prodigy“, eine Mitspielerin, kennen. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an passieren unglaublich komische und verwirrende Dinge im Leben der Zwei.
Chris Sanders and Quincy are both involved in a video game called "Black Hole", and they both want to win the tournament with a $175,500 prize. Quincy then tries to sabotage Chris, but it all goes wrong, because Chris' mom Tracy thinks that Quincy is her Internet date. Quincy lies to Tracy on their first date saying that he is a Home Ec. teacher at Chris' school. Right before the tournament, Chris figures out that Quincy was lying about everything. So, Chris decides that she will "destroy" him at the tournament. Quincy ends up forfeiting the tournament to show that he is sincerely sorry. Tracy takes him back, and they go to Chris' prom. Chris decides to go with her love interest in the movie, Ash.
Chris Sanders and Quincy are both involved in a video game called "Black Hole", and they both want to win the tournament with a $175,500 prize. Quincy then tries to sabotage Chris, but it all goes wrong, because Chris' mom Tracy thinks that Quincy is her Internet date. Quincy lies to Tracy on their first date saying that he is a Home Ec. teacher at Chris' school. Right before the tournament, Chris figures out that Quincy was lying about everything. So, Chris decides that she will "destroy" him at the tournament. Quincy ends up forfeiting the tournament to show that he is sincerely sorry. Tracy takes him back, and they go to Chris' prom. Chris decides to go with her love interest in the movie, Ash.