Bloody Beach
In Soo KimSchauspieler:
Kim Hyun-Jung, Yang Dong-geun, Lee Seung-chae, Lee Jung-Jin, Jae HeeAcht junge Leute, vier Damen und vier Herren, einander bisher nur aus dem Internet-Chatroom bekannt, planen gemeinsame Ferien in einem Badeort am Meer, um sich näher kennen zu lernen. Zunächst verlaufen die Tage am Strand wie geplant, doch schon bald dezimieren rätselhafte Todesfälle die Gruppe. Es stellt sich heraus, dass ein gemeinschaftlich aus dem Netz und in den Selbstmord gemobbter Co-Chatter vielleicht doch nicht so tot ist wie vermutet und vielmehr unter falscher Identität die Urlaubergruppe unterwandert.
Koreanischer Mad-Slasher-Grusel im Stile bekannter US-Vorbilder.
A group of Internet chatters decides to spend the summer together at a beach, renting an apartment and trying to know each other for real (or maybe they just want to have sex). Apparently a guy named "Sandmanz" committed suicide when he was ousted from the chatroom, and the group has split opinions on the matter. Some think he was just a psycho with no life, and he had it coming. Some others, like Yoo-na (the one who got closer to him), think that someone spread lies to force him to quit. Suddenly, the group is decimated by a mysterious figure who keeps e-mailing everyone that his/her fate will not be unlike Sandmanz's. The search for the killer begins, while people die right and left. (lovehkfilm.com)
A group of Internet chatters decides to spend the summer together at a beach, renting an apartment and trying to know each other for real (or maybe they just want to have sex). Apparently a guy named "Sandmanz" committed suicide when he was ousted from the chatroom, and the group has split opinions on the matter. Some think he was just a psycho with no life, and he had it coming. Some others, like Yoo-na (the one who got closer to him), think that someone spread lies to force him to quit. Suddenly, the group is decimated by a mysterious figure who keeps e-mailing everyone that his/her fate will not be unlike Sandmanz's. The search for the killer begins, while people die right and left. (lovehkfilm.com)