Body - Every Little Piece Will Return ...
Paween PurikitpanyaSchauspieler:
Arak Amornsupasiri, Ornjira Lamwilai, Kritteera Inpornwijit, Patharawarin Timkul, Paramej NoiamEin junger Mann wird von Halluzinationen und Albträumen gequält, in denen ihn eine verunstaltete Dame heimsucht. Er sucht Rat bei einer Psychologin, doch die kann ihm auch nicht helfen. Statt dessen kommt es nun in seinem Umfeld verstärkt zu unnatürlichen Todesfällen, worauf ihn die ermittelnde Polizei alsbald in den Kreis der dringend Verdächtigen aufnimmt. Verzweifelt versucht der junge Mann, auf eigene Faust das Geheimnis zu lüften, doch macht er damit alles nur noch schlimmer.
Chon is suffering from having bad times while sleeping. He tries not to sleep because he's scared of a girl in his nightmares. In the dreams, the girl screams for help before she is cruelly killed. Ae, Chon's sister is worried about the illusion that Chon sees in his dreams, so she introduces him to a psychiatrist. Chon tries to prove that what he sees is not just the illusion. Finally, Chon is right when some clues in his nightmares lead him to a morgue number 19. Now, the story of the dead body inside the morgue is gradually revealed.
Chon is suffering from having bad times while sleeping. He tries not to sleep because he's scared of a girl in his nightmares. In the dreams, the girl screams for help before she is cruelly killed. Ae, Chon's sister is worried about the illusion that Chon sees in his dreams, so she introduces him to a psychiatrist. Chon tries to prove that what he sees is not just the illusion. Finally, Chon is right when some clues in his nightmares lead him to a morgue number 19. Now, the story of the dead body inside the morgue is gradually revealed.