Buenos Aires 1977
Adrián CaetanoSchauspieler:
Rodrigo de la Serna, Pablo Echarri, Nazareno Casero, Lautaro Delgado, Matías Marmorato, Diego Alonso , Guillermo Fernández, César Albarracín, Alfredo Castellani, Daniel Cúparo, Daniel Di Biase, Julián Krakov, Erasmo Olivera, Susana Pampin, Leonardo Ramírez, Pablo RibbaBuenos Aires in den Siebzigern: der Torwart Claudio (Rodrigo de la Serna) wird von Agenten der Militärjunta verschleppt, seine Mutter zusammengeschlagen und sein Haus demoliert, und ohne klare Vorwürfe in ein zum Gefangenenlager umfunktioniertes Wohnhaus geschafft. Dort müssen die Gefangenen Tag für Tag Erniedrigungen und Folter über sich ergehen lassen. Wer auspackt und jemanden denunziert, und sei dieser Jemand unschuldig, der kann auf die Verlegung in ein normales Gefängnis hoffen. Doch Claudio und seine Zellenkameraden machen sich nichts vor. Im Bewusstsein, diese Hölle nie mehr lebend zu verlassen, beschließen sie zu fliehen.
The true story of four men who narrowly escaped death at the hands of Argentina's military death squads during the 1970s is brought to the screen in this thriller. In 1977, Claudio Tamburrini (Rodrigo de la Serna) was a goalie for a minor-league football team when he was abducted by members of the Argentine military police and taken to an unofficial detention center on the false suspicion that he was a terrorist. Over 30,000 people lost their lives at the hands of Argentinean authorities under the military junta that ruled the country between 1976 and 1983, and as he was tortured by intelligence agents looking for information he didn't have, Tamburrini fully expected to become another victim. After many sessions of brutal torture, Tamburrini and his fellow captives Guillermo (Nazareno Casero) and Tano (Martin Urruty) were being readied for execution when, in a final desperate act, Tamburrini dove out a window during a rainstorm.
The true story of four men who narrowly escaped death at the hands of Argentina's military death squads during the 1970s is brought to the screen in this thriller. In 1977, Claudio Tamburrini (Rodrigo de la Serna) was a goalie for a minor-league football team when he was abducted by members of the Argentine military police and taken to an unofficial detention center on the false suspicion that he was a terrorist. Over 30,000 people lost their lives at the hands of Argentinean authorities under the military junta that ruled the country between 1976 and 1983, and as he was tortured by intelligence agents looking for information he didn't have, Tamburrini fully expected to become another victim. After many sessions of brutal torture, Tamburrini and his fellow captives Guillermo (Nazareno Casero) and Tano (Martin Urruty) were being readied for execution when, in a final desperate act, Tamburrini dove out a window during a rainstorm.