Cannibal Inferno
Mark ColegroveSchauspieler:
Larry Gamber, Peter Crates, Patrician Rosa, Keith Langsdorf, Jared BooksPrivatdetektiv Jack Steele ist hin- und hergerissen zwischen beruflichem Ehrgeiz und moralischer Pflicht: Auf der einen Seite lockt der Schatz des Marco Polo, auf der anderen will das strapazierte Verhältnis zu Stiefsohn Billy gepäppelt werden. Kurzerhand nimmt Steele den labilen Teenager mit an Bord bei der gefahrvollen Expedition zu einer der argentinischen Küste vorgelagerten Insel. Dort sollen leibhaftige Kannibalen ihre rustikalen Bräuche pflegen. In Gesellschaft übler Galgenvögel geht man dem Mysterium auf den Grund.
Stadtpark-Kulissen, eine haarsträubende Handlung, Rummelplatz-Requisiten wie Perücken und falsche Bärte sowie eine trommelfellzerfetzende Synchronisation sind nicht etwa Schwächen, sondern voll beabsichtigte Stilmittel dieser Hommage an den klassischen italienischen Kannibalenhorror durch amerikanische Garagenüberzeugungstäter. Fans vom Fach können die Zitate zuordnen und haben durchaus kruden Spaß beim knietiefen Gang durch Possen, Unkorrektheiten und Innereien.
In Antonello Giallo's follow up to the notorious Pleasures of the Damned, private investigator Jack Steele is hired by a mysterious treasure hunter to help find the lost treasure of Marco Polo. Along for the trip is Jack's adopted son, Billy. Their search brings them to an island off the coast of Argentina... and into the clutches of a primitive cannibal tribe, the Yamma Yamma. Alexis Kinkaid, a mysterious recluse who has made his home on the island amongst the cannibals, may hold the key to unlocking the island's secret... if they don't end up in the belly of a savage first! Isle of the Damned, originally released in Italy in 1980, brought Giallo under fire yet again by the Italian government, who were outraged by the shocking and real scenes of primitive tribal rituals and cannibalism portrayed in the film. The film has been long out of print, but is presented here in a digitally remastered form.
In Antonello Giallo's follow up to the notorious Pleasures of the Damned, private investigator Jack Steele is hired by a mysterious treasure hunter to help find the lost treasure of Marco Polo. Along for the trip is Jack's adopted son, Billy. Their search brings them to an island off the coast of Argentina... and into the clutches of a primitive cannibal tribe, the Yamma Yamma. Alexis Kinkaid, a mysterious recluse who has made his home on the island amongst the cannibals, may hold the key to unlocking the island's secret... if they don't end up in the belly of a savage first! Isle of the Damned, originally released in Italy in 1980, brought Giallo under fire yet again by the Italian government, who were outraged by the shocking and real scenes of primitive tribal rituals and cannibalism portrayed in the film. The film has been long out of print, but is presented here in a digitally remastered form.