David Pastor, Àlex PastorSchauspieler:
Emily VanCamp, Chris Pine, Piper Perabo, Lou Taylor PucciEin Virus ist mutiert und hat die Menschen befallen. Eine Heilung ist nicht in Sicht. Die Epidemie hat fast die ganze Menschheit ausgelöscht. Niemand ist sicher und niemandem kann man trauen, denn die Ansteckungsgefahr ist allgegenwärtig. In dieser dramatischen Situation machen sich vier junge Freunde auf den Weg zu einem abgelegenen Strand, um das Ende der Seuche abzuwarten: Brian, dessen jüngerer Bruder Danny, Brians Freundin Bobby und Dannys Schulfreundin Kate. Als sie auf ein liegengebliebenes Auto stoßen, wissen sie nicht, dass sie damit ihr Schicksal besiegelt haben. Ihre Reise in den Süden wird zu einem tödlichen Kampf gegen gefährliche Infizierte, wahnsinnig gewordene Überlebende, tollwütige Hunde – und schließlich gegeneinander.
Four friends fleeing a viral pandemic soon learn they are more dangerous than any virus.A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe and no one can be trusted. Four young attractive people race through the back roads of the American West to the pounding beat of a vacation soundtrack. Their aim is to retreat to secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico, where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic and survive the apocalyptic disease. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road starting a chain of events that will seal the fate of each of them in an inexorable and horrifying voyage of hell through a western landscape populated by only the hideous dead or the twisted living.
Four friends fleeing a viral pandemic soon learn they are more dangerous than any virus.A deadly virus has spread across the globe. Contagion is everywhere, no one is safe and no one can be trusted. Four young attractive people race through the back roads of the American West to the pounding beat of a vacation soundtrack. Their aim is to retreat to secluded utopian beach in the Gulf of Mexico, where they could peacefully wait out the pandemic and survive the apocalyptic disease. Their plans take a grim turn when their car breaks down on an isolated road starting a chain of events that will seal the fate of each of them in an inexorable and horrifying voyage of hell through a western landscape populated by only the hideous dead or the twisted living.