Center Stage: On Pointe
Director X.Schauspieler:
Peter Gallagher, Nicole Muñoz, Kenny Wormald, Rachele Brooke Smith, Ethan Stiefel, Ken Kramer, Barton Cowperthwaite, Chloe Lukasiak, Maude Green, Kyal Legend, Kyle Toy, Thomas L. Colford, Kane Nelson, Sascha Radetsky, Lanie McAuleyJonathan Reeves (Peter Gallagher) wurde beauftragt, der American Ballet Academy einen zeitgenössischen und modernen Stil einzuhauchen. Dafür beruft er seine besten Choreografen Charlie (Sascha Radetsky), Cooper (Ethan Stiefel) und Tommy (Kenny Wormald) ein. Ihre Aufgabe ist es, Tänzer anzuwerben, die in einem Wettkampf gegeneinander antreten sollen. Den Gewinnern wird die Ehre zuteil, der Academy beitreten zu dürfen. Bella Parker (Nicole Muñoz) lebte bisher stets im Schatten ihrer überaus erfolgreichen Schwester Kate. Mit der Einladung zu diesem Wettkampf erhält sie endlich die Chance, ihr ganzes Können unter Beweis zu stellen.
In Center Stage: On Pointe, Jonathan Reeves (Gallagher) is tasked with infusing more contemporary styles and modernism into the American Ballet Academy, and enlists his his top choreographers Charlie (Radetsky), Cooper (Stiefel) and Tommy (Wormald) to recruit dancers to compete at a camp where the winners will be selected to join the Academy. Bella Parker (Muñoz), who has always lived in the shadow of her hugely successful sister Kate, finally gets her chance to step into the limelight as one of the dancers recruited for the camp. Chloe Lukasiak plays Gwen, a talented dance prodigy who competes at the camp.
In Center Stage: On Pointe, Jonathan Reeves (Gallagher) is tasked with infusing more contemporary styles and modernism into the American Ballet Academy, and enlists his his top choreographers Charlie (Radetsky), Cooper (Stiefel) and Tommy (Wormald) to recruit dancers to compete at a camp where the winners will be selected to join the Academy. Bella Parker (Muñoz), who has always lived in the shadow of her hugely successful sister Kate, finally gets her chance to step into the limelight as one of the dancers recruited for the camp. Chloe Lukasiak plays Gwen, a talented dance prodigy who competes at the camp.