Chinatown Connection
Michael ChuSchauspieler:
David Heavener, Daniel Hung Tang, Janessa FitzgeraldRandy Walker ist Cop in einem der gefährlichstzen Reviere der Welt: Chinatown. Sein täglicher Kampf gilt der Gewalt und Bestechlichkeit. In den dunklen Strßen sind Glücksspiel, Prostitution und Totschlag and der Tagesordnung. Sein Gegner ist der ehrenwärtige chinesische Gsellschaft, die Tongs. Enes Nachts verüben drei junge Männer auf eigene Faust einen blutigen Raubüberfall. Dabei werden alle Opfer brutal getötet. Walker wird auf den Fall angesetzt. Er weiß, dass er schnell handeln muss, denn er ist bei Seiner Suche nicht allein. Die Tongs, die sich Ihre Geschäfte nicht vermeissen lassen wollen, haben Killer für den Rachefeldzug "gekauft". Ein winziger Hinweis führt Walker auf die Spur der Täter-dicht gefolgt von den Killern der Tongs
Randy Walker (David Heavener), a streetwise cop, knows that the smoke-filled parlors of the Tong breed violence and corruption. He is determined to run things his way. One night in peaceful Seattle, a Tong gambling parlor is wiped out in a bloody massacre. Two men are caught; only Joe Wong (Daniel Hung Tang) - an innocent accomplice - manages to escape. Realizing that the others are brutal murderers, Joe becomes a man on the run - from the cops, from the FBI, and from the Tong's deadly hit squad. He meets Vinny (Hwee Ling Lee), an enslaved prostitute. Desperate and trapped, they escape together, hunted by Walker, the cop who won't quit until he tracks them down. But there's no way out for the two lovers. In an act of passion, Vinny takes the bullet meant for Joe. Joe has only one choice left - to face the relentless Walker. Both men know that when they meet again, only one will walk away.
Randy Walker (David Heavener), a streetwise cop, knows that the smoke-filled parlors of the Tong breed violence and corruption. He is determined to run things his way. One night in peaceful Seattle, a Tong gambling parlor is wiped out in a bloody massacre. Two men are caught; only Joe Wong (Daniel Hung Tang) - an innocent accomplice - manages to escape. Realizing that the others are brutal murderers, Joe becomes a man on the run - from the cops, from the FBI, and from the Tong's deadly hit squad. He meets Vinny (Hwee Ling Lee), an enslaved prostitute. Desperate and trapped, they escape together, hunted by Walker, the cop who won't quit until he tracks them down. But there's no way out for the two lovers. In an act of passion, Vinny takes the bullet meant for Joe. Joe has only one choice left - to face the relentless Walker. Both men know that when they meet again, only one will walk away.