Cinderellas silberner Schuh
Bryan ForbesSchauspieler:
Gemma Craven, Margaret Lockwood, Michael Hordern, Edith Evans, Christopher Gable, Annette Crosbie, Kenneth More, Sherrie Hewson, John Turner, Rosalind Ayres, Keith Skinner, Polly Williams, Julian Orchard, Lally Bowers, Richard Chamberlain, Norman BirdDer junge Prinz Edward wird von seinen Eltern bedrängt, zum Wohle ihres kleinen Königreichs Euphrania endlich zu heiraten. Ein Ball am Hofe soll alle in Frage kommenden Prinzessinnen versammeln, so dass Edward seine Wahl treffen kann. Unterdessen hat die junge Cinderella nach dem Tode ihres Vaters unter ihrer Stiefmutter zu leiden, die sie zur Dienerin degradiert. Dank des Einschreitens einer guten Fee kann Cinderella zum Ball gehen, wo sie Edward kennen und lieben lernt.
Musicalverfilmung des bekannten Märchens von Aschenputtel.
In the tiny kingdom of Euphrania, the King and his court are most anxious to get Prince Edward wed. But Edward wants to marry for love. Meanwhile, young Cinderella finds life drastically altered with her father's death as she's forced to be a servant in her own house. But a cheery fairy godmother helps her with her impossible tasks, and even gets her to take an evening out at the King's bride-fin
In the tiny kingdom of Euphrania, the King and his court are most anxious to get Prince Edward wed. But Edward wants to marry for love. Meanwhile, young Cinderella finds life drastically altered with her father's death as she's forced to be a servant in her own house. But a cheery fairy godmother helps her with her impossible tasks, and even gets her to take an evening out at the King's bride-fin