Creepozoids - Angriff der Mutanten
David DeCoteauSchauspieler:
Linnea Quigley, Ken Abraham, Michael Aranda, Richard L. Hawkins, Ashlyn Gere, Joi WilsonDas Jahr 1998: Die Erde ist nach einem Atomkrieg vollkommen verwüstet. Fünf Überlebende des großen Knalls suchen vor dem giftigen Regen Zuflucht in einem alten Versuchslabor in dem früher mit menschlichen Genen experimentiert wurde. Und prompt tauchen auch schon kurz darauf die ersten Mutanten auf um ihren Blutdurst zu stillen...
The year is 1998, six years after the nuke wars reduced the world to rubble and a few bands of wandering survivors. One of these groups stumbles into an abandoned government research facility, where they were working on making the body capable of creating its own amino acids, thus obviating the need for food. They are then attacked by one of the leftover experiments and begin experiencing an attrition problem.
The year is 1998, six years after the nuke wars reduced the world to rubble and a few bands of wandering survivors. One of these groups stumbles into an abandoned government research facility, where they were working on making the body capable of creating its own amino acids, thus obviating the need for food. They are then attacked by one of the leftover experiments and begin experiencing an attrition problem.