Cryo - Mit dem Erwachen beginnt der Alptraum
Barrett BurginSchauspieler:
Jyllian Petrie, Emily Marie Palmer, Mason D. Davis, Curt Doussett, Morgan Gunter, Michael FlynnEingesperrt in einer seltsamen Anlage im Untergrund-Labor, ohne Kontakt zur Außenwelt: hier erwachen fünf Wissenschaftler aus einem Kälteschlaf. Alle fünf leiden unter Gedächtnisverlust. Verzweifelt versuchen sie herausfinden, wer sie eingesperrt hat. Schnell merkt die Gruppe, dass es ein Killer auf sie abgesehen hat. Keiner traut dem anderen. Der Kampf ums Überleben hat gerade erst begonnen.
Unheimlich spannender und sehr gut ausgeführter SciFi-Crime-Thriller.
Five scientists awake from a cryogenic sleep and find themselves trapped in an underground facility. With no memory of who they are or how long they've been asleep, they begin to realize they may have been part of a scientific experiment gone wrong. After a series of strange events, the scientists find themselves being hunted. They do not know who is hunting them or for what reason, but the scientists begin to suspect that one of them may be the killer.
Five scientists awake from a cryogenic sleep and find themselves trapped in an underground facility. With no memory of who they are or how long they've been asleep, they begin to realize they may have been part of a scientific experiment gone wrong. After a series of strange events, the scientists find themselves being hunted. They do not know who is hunting them or for what reason, but the scientists begin to suspect that one of them may be the killer.