Das Arche Noah Prinzip
Roland EmmerichSchauspieler:
Richy Müller, Franz Buchrieser, Aviva Joel, Matthias FuchsIm Jahre 1997 ist die Kontrolle des Wetters möglich und die Technologie befindet sich an Bord der Raumstation Florida Arklab, die gemeinsam von den USA und Europa betrieben wird. Dort erforschen die beiden Astronauten Max Marek und Billy Hayes die Möglichkeiten der Einflussnahme mit Mikrowellen auf Klima und Wettergeschehen auf der Erde. Als es zu einer Revolution in Saudi-Arabien kommt, soll die Technik der Wetterkontrolle für militärische Zwecke missbraucht werden. Die Kontrolle der zivilen Station wird von dem amerikanischen Militär übernommen. Die Wirkung der Mikrowellenstrahlung wird als Tarnkappe eingesetzt und soll eine militärische Intervention der USA in Saudi-Arabien tarnen. Die beiden Astronauten Hayes und Marek entdecken dies und versuchen einen weiteren Einsatz zu verhindern. Dabei wird das Reaktorsystem der Station beschädigt ...
The year is 1997, and World Peace seems to have come, with most classic weapons of mass destruction having been abandoned. However, orbiting the Earth there is the European/American space station FLORIDA ARKLAB, capable of controlling the weather at any location on the planet underneath. A civil project by nature, it might be abused as an offensive weapon, since it could deliver devastation to any potential adversary simply by creating natural disasters such as storms and floods. No wonder the space station soon becomes the central point in rising political tensions between East and West, next stop World War 3 (as indicated by the tagline "The end of our future has already begun"). We follow the main protagonist Billy Hayes, an astronaut aboard the station, as he wades through a plot of secrecy and sabotage trying to tell friend from foe in the process.
The year is 1997, and World Peace seems to have come, with most classic weapons of mass destruction having been abandoned. However, orbiting the Earth there is the European/American space station FLORIDA ARKLAB, capable of controlling the weather at any location on the planet underneath. A civil project by nature, it might be abused as an offensive weapon, since it could deliver devastation to any potential adversary simply by creating natural disasters such as storms and floods. No wonder the space station soon becomes the central point in rising political tensions between East and West, next stop World War 3 (as indicated by the tagline "The end of our future has already begun"). We follow the main protagonist Billy Hayes, an astronaut aboard the station, as he wades through a plot of secrecy and sabotage trying to tell friend from foe in the process.