Das Blut der Templer
Florian BaxmeyerSchauspieler:
Alicja Bachleda, Ralph Herforth, Peter Franke, Harald Krassnitzer, Mirko Lang, Catherine Flemming, René Ifrah, Saulius Balandis, Stephan Barth, Daniel Dupant, Zdenek Dvoracek, Michal Grün, Mario Holetzeck, Martin Hub, Kestutis Stasys JakstasDavid, der als Baby vor einem Kloster ausgesetzt und von Mönchen aufgezogen wurde, steht kurz vor seinem Abitur. Als er seine Klassenkameradin Stella zu einer Party begleitet, kommt es zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit ihrem Ex-Freund – die David zum allgemeinen Erstaunen für sich entscheidet. David selbst kann sich seine physische Kraft nicht erklären, aber sein Ziehvater, der Mönch Quentin, informiert sofort den Großmeister der Tempelritter Robert von Metz…
18-year old David grew up assuming that his mother and his father have died when he was a baby. He was raised by a monk and is close to completing High School. He gets into a fight during a party and discovers he is stronger than he thought he was- also, the blooding of an injury stops immediately and the wound heals within an hour. All of a sudden, the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar show interest in the boy and the quest for the Holy Grail begins once again, with David being the one who can lead them to it.
18-year old David grew up assuming that his mother and his father have died when he was a baby. He was raised by a monk and is close to completing High School. He gets into a fight during a party and discovers he is stronger than he thought he was- also, the blooding of an injury stops immediately and the wound heals within an hour. All of a sudden, the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar show interest in the boy and the quest for the Holy Grail begins once again, with David being the one who can lead them to it.