Das Ende der Götter
Giulio BaseSchauspieler:
Daniele Liotti, Dolph Lundgren, Mónica Cruz, Hristo Shopov, Hristo Jivkov, Max von Sydow, Vincenzo Bocciarelli, Fernando Guillén Cuervo, F. Murray Abraham, Francesca De Sapio, Maria Pia Calzone, Anna Kanakis, Enrico Lo Verso, Ornella Muti, Fabrizio Bucci, Ubaldo Lo PrestiKaiser Tiberius schickt seinen Späher Taurus nach Palästina, um den Leichnam eines Mannes zu finden der von den Toten auferstanden sein soll. Eine Erfindung, denn dann wäre er Gott, und Roms Weltmacht mit all seinen Göttern wäre dem Untergang geweiht. Taurus glaubt nicht daran und steht vor einem Rätsel. Seine Untersuchungen führen zum gleichen Ergebnis: Der Leichnam ist verschwunden!
It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent
It is the year 33 of the Vulgar Era. The Emperor Tiberius is troubled by strange phenomena, an earthquake and the sky turning black as an eclipse. His astrologers give him fair warning: their omens indicate that the world is in the throes of a great upheaval and that old gods have been annihilated. A new kingdom is about to rise in the East. The Emperor calls Tito Valerio Tauro, the most prominent