Das Gehirn
Ed HuntSchauspieler:
Tom Bresnahan, Cynthia Preston, David Gale, George Buza, Christine Kossak, Bret Pearson, Bernice Quiggan, Susannah Hoffman, Justine Campbell, Robert King, Kenneth McGregor, Vinetta Strombergs, Richard Gira, Wendy Springate, Harry Booker, Peter ReadMit seiner TV-Sendung "Positives Denken" manipuliert Dr. Blake die Gedanken seines Publikums. Doch der Wissenschaftler ist selbst nur die Marionette eines außerirdischen Monsters in Form eines riesigen Gehirns. In Dr. Blakes Forschungslabor kommt der Schüler Jim dem Geheimnis auf die Spur, als bei ihm die Gehirnwäsche versagt. Von Halluzinationen geplagt, von Polizei und Wissenschaftlern verfolgt und von den eigenen Eltern als Mörder verdächtigt, kann Jim Dr. Blake töten und das Monster in die Luft jagen.
Dr. Blake runs a TV show called "Independent Thinkers", which is sort of a Scientology-like self-help/religion program. But he's not making his audience think any more independently - with the help of an alien organism he calls The Brain, he's using brainwashing and mind control. The only thing that stands between them and world domination is a brilliant but troubled high school student with a penchant for pranks...
Dr. Blake runs a TV show called "Independent Thinkers", which is sort of a Scientology-like self-help/religion program. But he's not making his audience think any more independently - with the help of an alien organism he calls The Brain, he's using brainwashing and mind control. The only thing that stands between them and world domination is a brilliant but troubled high school student with a penchant for pranks...