Das Nebelhaus
Claudia GardeSchauspieler:
Felicitas Woll, Jasmin Schwiers, Lucas Prisor, Nadeshda Brennicke, Matthias Weidenhöfer, Oona von Maydell, Hyun Wanner, Soogi Kang, Fang Yu, Ellenie Salvo González, Thorsten Merten, Lina Wendel, Lisa Marie Trense, Max Befort, Marian Meder, Silvia PohlSeit ihrer Studienzeit haben sich die Kommilitonen Philipp, Leonie, Timo und Yasmin aus den Augen verloren. Als sie sich im Internet wiederfinden, verabreden sie sich für ein gemeinsames Wochenende in Philipps Anwesen an der Ostsee, dem sogenannten Nebelhaus. Auch Philipps Frau Vevund Tochter Clarissa sind dabei. Tatsächlich beginnt der Abend voller Freude über das Wiedersehen, doch er endet in einem Blutbad. Anscheinend erschoss die jetzt im Koma liegende Leonie an diesem Abend drei Menschen aus Neid, so sahen das zumindest der damals zuständige Kommissar und die Öffentlichkeit. Zwei Jahre später rollt die Polizeireporterin Doro Kagel den Fall neu auf...
Four former classmates, Philipp, Leonie, Timo and Yasmin arrange reunion over the weekend in one of Philipp's properties. Philipp's wife and daughter are also present. The weekend ends in bloodbath however, with three people dead and the suspect in coma. Two years later Leonie's mother asks the former classmate of the alleged murderer, Doro Kagel, to reopen the case. She would never trust her daughter to do such an act, and even Doro starts having doubts that are only reinforced by the silence of the survivors.
Four former classmates, Philipp, Leonie, Timo and Yasmin arrange reunion over the weekend in one of Philipp's properties. Philipp's wife and daughter are also present. The weekend ends in bloodbath however, with three people dead and the suspect in coma. Two years later Leonie's mother asks the former classmate of the alleged murderer, Doro Kagel, to reopen the case. She would never trust her daughter to do such an act, and even Doro starts having doubts that are only reinforced by the silence of the survivors.