Day of the Dead
Steve MinerSchauspieler:
Ving Rhames, Christa Campbell, Ian McNeice, Stark Sands, Mena Suvari, Nick Cannon, Michael Welch, Matt Rippy, AnnaLynne McCord, Pat Kilbane, Taylor Saracho, Robert Rais, Michael McCoy, Laura Giosh, Vanessa JohanssonIn einem Bergdorf verwandelt ein rätselhaftes Virus vormals friedfertige Bürger in rasende Mordmaschinen und veranlasst verantwortliche Stellen, den Ort von Militär abriegeln zu lassen. Unter den Soldaten befindet sich auch Sarah, die aus der Gegend stammt und nach ihrer Familie sehen will. Von den Kameraden isoliert und umgeben von Zombies schlagen sich Sarah und ein paar Freunde auf eigene Faust durch die Linien der Untoten bis zu einem unterirdischen Silo, in dem Militärmediziner an Viren forschen.
Cleverer Schachzug von NuImage: Nach dem Erfolg von Zack Snyders Romero-Remake "Dawn of the Dead" sicherten sich die emsigen Vielproduzenten die Verfilmungsrechte an "Dawn"-Nachfolger "Day of the Dead" und beauftragten den versierten Steve Miner ("Halloween H20") mit der Neuverfilmung. Vom Original hat der wenig übrig gelassen. Dafür schickt er seine gute Besetzung, u. a. Mena Suvari und Ving Rhames, durch ein Teenie-Horror-Szenario, das nicht immer den nötigen Biss hat, aber von der Fangemeinde mit großer Spannung erwartet wird.
siehe auch:Originale:Night of the Living DeadDawn of the Dead (1978)Zombie 2 - Day of the DeadLand of the DeadDiary of the DeadSurvival of the DeadRemakes:Die Rückkehr der Untoten - Night of the Living DeadDawn of the DeadNight of the Living Dead 3DDay of the Dead (2008)Day of the Dead 2: ContagiumDays of the Dead 3 - Evilution
In Leadville, Colorado, Captain Rhodes and his army seals off the town to contain an influenza-type epidemic. The locals are not allowed to leave the town and the Pine Valley Medical Center is crowded with sick people. Corporal Sarah Bowman was born and raised in Leadville and goes to her home with Private Bud Crain to visit her mother. Sarah finds that her mother is ill and takes her to the local hospital. However, the sick people suddenly transform in flesh eating, fast moving zombies which attack the non-infected humans. Sarah, Bud and Private Salazar get a jeep and head to the town exit to escape from the dead. But Sarah hears the voice of her brother, Trevor, on the radio and is compelled to go to the radio station where Trevor is hidden with his girlfriend Nina. The group of survivors drives to the isolated Nike missile site seeking shelter, where they discover an underground army base.
In Leadville, Colorado, Captain Rhodes and his army seals off the town to contain an influenza-type epidemic. The locals are not allowed to leave the town and the Pine Valley Medical Center is crowded with sick people. Corporal Sarah Bowman was born and raised in Leadville and goes to her home with Private Bud Crain to visit her mother. Sarah finds that her mother is ill and takes her to the local hospital. However, the sick people suddenly transform in flesh eating, fast moving zombies which attack the non-infected humans. Sarah, Bud and Private Salazar get a jeep and head to the town exit to escape from the dead. But Sarah hears the voice of her brother, Trevor, on the radio and is compelled to go to the radio station where Trevor is hidden with his girlfriend Nina. The group of survivors drives to the isolated Nike missile site seeking shelter, where they discover an underground army base.