Axel KoenzenSchauspieler:
Tommi Korpela, Ema Vetean, Archie Alemania, Frank Lammers, Loes Luca, Manuelito AcidoBei Hafenarbeiten in Savannah, USA, stirbt ein Mitglied der Schiffscrew von Kapitän Ahti Ikonen. Unter Zeitdruck hatte er seine Leute vorschriftswidrig angewiesen, den lokalen Hafenarbeitern zu helfen. Ikonen muss die Verantwortung übernehmen und auf seiner Weiterreise Boykottversuche organisierter Arbeitergruppen in Kauf nehmen. Schafft er es, mit seinen Schuldgefühlen umzugehen und gleichzeitig seinen Ruf als Kapitän zu wahren?
Ahti Ikonen is a reliable captain at the height of his career. He is in command of the 35,000-ton container vessel Brugge, which enters the port of Savannah/United States behind schedule. The loading of the ship commences in haste as the crew, led by the ambitious Romanian officer Katia, works by the piece so that they can sail in time. The Filipino seaman James has an accident during this semi- legal lashing procedure. Ahti has to face the consequences of his orders: In the port of Rotterdam/Netherlands unionized dockworkers exploit the incident and refuse to unload the ship. Standstill. The captain is caught between the frontlines. Ahti is keen to elucidate the accident, but the situation becomes more and more contradictory…
Ahti Ikonen is a reliable captain at the height of his career. He is in command of the 35,000-ton container vessel Brugge, which enters the port of Savannah/United States behind schedule. The loading of the ship commences in haste as the crew, led by the ambitious Romanian officer Katia, works by the piece so that they can sail in time. The Filipino seaman James has an accident during this semi- legal lashing procedure. Ahti has to face the consequences of his orders: In the port of Rotterdam/Netherlands unionized dockworkers exploit the incident and refuse to unload the ship. Standstill. The captain is caught between the frontlines. Ahti is keen to elucidate the accident, but the situation becomes more and more contradictory…