December Boys
Rod HardySchauspieler:
Sullivan Stapleton, Daniel Radcliffe, Teresa Palmer, Ralph Cotterill, Jack Thompson, Paul Blackwell, Christian Byers, Lee Cormie, James Fraser, Victoria Hill, Max Cullen, Kris McQuade, Frank Gallacher, Judi Farr, Carmel JohnsonAustralien in den 60er Jahren: Die vier heranwachsenden Waisenjungen Maps (Daniel Radcliffe), Misty (Lee Cormie), Sparks (Christian Byers) und Spit (James Fraser) leben in einem katholischen Kloster im australischen Outback. Da die Enttäuschung der Jungen im Waisenhaus jedes Mal besonders groß ist, wenn sie mal wieder keine Adoptivfamilie gefunden haben, dürfen sie in dem Monat, in dem sie Geburtstag haben, in den Urlaub fahren. Die ersten sind Maps, Misty, Sparks und Spit, die im Dezember Geburtstag haben und am Meer bei dem pensionierten Marineoffizier Bandy McAnsh (Jack Thompson) und seiner Frau (Kris McQuade) unterkommen. Als die Jungen erfahren, dass das junge, kinderlose Nachbarsehepaar einen von ihnen adoptieren will, entbrennt zwischen den vier Freunden ein heftiger Wettstreit um deren Gunst. Maps, der älteste der Jungen, rechnet sich wenig Chancen auf eine Adoption aus und richtet seine Aufmerksamkeit lieber auf die hübsche Lucy (Teresa Palmer) und verliebt sich in sie…
An adult nicknamed Misty is narrating a story about one summer in his life when he was an adolescent in the late 1960s. He was living in a Catholic orphanage in the Australian outback. His best mates were the "December boys" - Maps, Spark and Spit - the four of them so named because they were the boys in the orphanage born in the month of December. With a recent windfall, the orphanage decided to give each of the boys a group vacation for each of their birthdays, the December boys the first to go. Their vacation was to Lady Star Cove on the Australian coast, to stay at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. McAnsh - Bandy and "Skipper". Their relatively carefree Christmas vacation took a turn primarily from three events: learning the reason the McAnshes hosted the boys specifically at this time; Maps, the oldest in his mid-teens, exploring his sexuality with a girl named Lucy, who was also visiting Lady Star Cove for the summer; and Misty secretly learning that a young couple in the cove, Fearless...
An adult nicknamed Misty is narrating a story about one summer in his life when he was an adolescent in the late 1960s. He was living in a Catholic orphanage in the Australian outback. His best mates were the "December boys" - Maps, Spark and Spit - the four of them so named because they were the boys in the orphanage born in the month of December. With a recent windfall, the orphanage decided to give each of the boys a group vacation for each of their birthdays, the December boys the first to go. Their vacation was to Lady Star Cove on the Australian coast, to stay at the home of Mrs. and Mrs. McAnsh - Bandy and "Skipper". Their relatively carefree Christmas vacation took a turn primarily from three events: learning the reason the McAnshes hosted the boys specifically at this time; Maps, the oldest in his mid-teens, exploring his sexuality with a girl named Lucy, who was also visiting Lady Star Cove for the summer; and Misty secretly learning that a young couple in the cove, Fearless...