Der 10. Mann
Jack GoldSchauspieler:
Anthony Hopkins, Jim Carter, Kristin Scott Thomas, Cyril Cusack, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Bayldon, Brenda Bruce, Robert Morgan, Paul Rogers, Timothy Watson, Peter Jonfield, Michael Attwell, Patrice Valota, John Bennett, Alan RossettDer Anwalt Jean-Pierre Chavel kann sich während der Besatzungszeit durch die Deutschen sein Leben von einem Mithäftling, der sich für ihn hinrichten läßt, erkaufen. Dafür überschreibt er der Familie des Todkranken Geld und Besitz. Nach Kriegsende kehrt Chavel auf sein Gut zurück und verdingt sich unter falschem Namen bei den neuen Besitzern. Er verliebt sich in die Schwester des für ihn Hingerichteten, die ihm von ihrem Hass auf Chavel berichtet. Als ein gesuchter Kollaborateur auftaucht und sich als Chavel ausgibt, führt das zur Katastrophe.
Eindrucksvoller britischer TV-Spielfilm nach einem Roman des Bestsellerautors Graham Greene. Die Hauptrollen in dem Kriegsdrama spielen Anthony Hopkins und Kristin Scott Thomas. Die spannende Bearbeitung einer tragischen Thematik um Schuldverstrickung und Sühne, belohnt die Aufmerksamkeit des Zuschauers mit einer faszinierenden Geschichte.
Based on the novel of the same name by Graham Greene, this is a story of a French advocate Chavel who, while imprisoned by the Germans during the occupation, trades his material possessions to another prisoner in exchange for his life when condemned to the firing squad. At the end of the war, Chavel, posing as one of the other prisoners, returns to his home which is now occupied by Therese, the sister of the prisoner he traded his possessions to, and who bitterly awaits the return of the man who had indirectly caused the death of her brother. His real identity unknown to Therese, Chavel is invited to stay as a caretaker and to identify Chavel should he return to the house. The relationship between Chavel and Therese develops until one night, someone calling himself Chavel turns up at their doorstep.
Based on the novel of the same name by Graham Greene, this is a story of a French advocate Chavel who, while imprisoned by the Germans during the occupation, trades his material possessions to another prisoner in exchange for his life when condemned to the firing squad. At the end of the war, Chavel, posing as one of the other prisoners, returns to his home which is now occupied by Therese, the sister of the prisoner he traded his possessions to, and who bitterly awaits the return of the man who had indirectly caused the death of her brother. His real identity unknown to Therese, Chavel is invited to stay as a caretaker and to identify Chavel should he return to the house. The relationship between Chavel and Therese develops until one night, someone calling himself Chavel turns up at their doorstep.