Der ägyptische Spion, der Israel rettete
Ariel VromenSchauspieler:
Toby Kebbell, Hannah Ware, Marwan Kenzari, Waleed Zuaiter, Ori Pfeffer, Sapir Azulay, Sasson Gabai, Maisa Abd Elhadi, Mickey Leon, Slimane Dazi, Mali Levi, Guy Adler, Tim Ingall, Leo HunterBiografisches Thriller-Drama um Ashraf Marwan, dem einstigen Schwiegersohn des Ex-Präsidenten Agyptens Gamal Abdel Nasser und spezieller Berater sowie Vertrauensperson von dessen Nachfolger Anwar Sadat. Gleichzeitig war er der wertvollste Agent des israelischen Geheimdienstes...
True story of Ashraf Marwan, who was President Nasser's son-in-law and special adviser and confidant to his successor Anwar Sadat - while simultaneously Israeli Intelligence's most precious asset of the 20th century. Based on NYT bestselling book 'The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel' by Uri Bar-Joseph.
True story of Ashraf Marwan, who was President Nasser's son-in-law and special adviser and confidant to his successor Anwar Sadat - while simultaneously Israeli Intelligence's most precious asset of the 20th century. Based on NYT bestselling book 'The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel' by Uri Bar-Joseph.