Der Fall Paradin
Alfred HitchcockSchauspieler:
Gregory Peck, Ann Todd, Alida Valli, Charles Laughton, Louis Jourdan, Leo G. Carroll, Charles Coburn, Ethel Barrymore, Joan Tetzel, Isobel ElsomEin junger Rechtsanwalt soll eine Frau verteidigen die angeklagt ist ihren Mann ermordet zu haben. Als er glaubt den ehemaligen Diener der Familie für den Mord verantwortlich machen zu können, dreht sich das Blatt zu seinen Ungunsten.
Highly successful London barrister Anthony Keane takes on the case of Italian Maddalena Paradine who is accused of poisoning her blind military hero husband. Keane comes increasingly under her spell, threatening both his marriage and his career.
Highly successful London barrister Anthony Keane takes on the case of Italian Maddalena Paradine who is accused of poisoning her blind military hero husband. Keane comes increasingly under her spell, threatening both his marriage and his career.