Der Kopf, der nicht sterben durfte
Joseph GreenSchauspieler:
Jason Evers, Virginia Leith, Leslie Daniels, Adele Lamont, Bonnie Sharie, Doris Brent, Paula Maurice, Marilyn Hanold, Bruce Brighton, Arny Freeman, Fred Martin, Lola Mason, Bruce Kerr, Audrey Devereal, Eddie Carmel, Sammy PetrilloDie hübsche Verlobte des Wissenschaftlers Dr. Bill Cortner wird bei einem Autounfall enthauptet. In seinem Labor wiederbelebt Cortner den Kopf und platziert ihn in einer Schale. Jetzt braucht es nur noch einen Körper, den Cortner im Rotlichtmilieu sucht. Seine Verlobte ist davon jedoch alles andere als begeistert und will dem verrückten Cortner das Handwerk legen.
Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But Cortner is not fazed by this seemingly insurmountable hurdle. His expertise is in transplants, and he is excited to perform the first head transplant. Keeping Compton's head alive in his lab, Cortner plans the groundbreaking yet unorthodox surgery. First, however, he needs a body.
Dr. Bill Cortner and his fiancée, Jan Compton, are driving to his lab when they get into a horrible car accident. Compton is decapitated. But Cortner is not fazed by this seemingly insurmountable hurdle. His expertise is in transplants, and he is excited to perform the first head transplant. Keeping Compton's head alive in his lab, Cortner plans the groundbreaking yet unorthodox surgery. First, however, he needs a body.