Der Mann, der seinen Mörder sucht
Robert SiodmakSchauspieler:
Heinz Rühmann, Lien Deyers, Raimund Janitschek, Hans Leibelt, Friedrich Hollaender, Gerhard Bienert, Hermann SpeelmansHans Herfort (Heinz Rühmann) möchte sterben. Er beauftragt einen Killer, ihm das Leben zu nehmen, da er es selber nicht zustande bringt. Bis 12 Uhr mittags am folgenden Tag soll es vollbracht sein. Aber ausgerechnet an diesem Abend lernt er Kitty kennen und verliebt sich zum ersten Mal in seinem Leben. Das mit dem Sterben-Wollen ist vorerst mal passé. Jetzt gilt es, den schon recht aktiven Auftragskiller zu finden und den Vertrag aufzulösen.
Robert Siodmak's second solo directorial effort was the breathless comedy-melodrama Der Mann, Der Seinen Moerder Sucht (Looking For His Murderer) In the face of ever-mounting debts, Heinz Ruhmann arranges for his own murder to be committed within the next 12 hours. During this period, Ruhmann falls in love and gains a whole new lease on life. Frantically, he seeks out the man whom he has hired to bump him off -- only to find out that the latter has sold his "contract" to another fellow -- who in turn has sold it to a third party. Eventually, the whole mess is wrapped up with a Keystone-like car chase. Famed composer Friedrich Hollander shows up in a minor role, complete with patently phony mustache. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Robert Siodmak's second solo directorial effort was the breathless comedy-melodrama Der Mann, Der Seinen Moerder Sucht (Looking For His Murderer) In the face of ever-mounting debts, Heinz Ruhmann arranges for his own murder to be committed within the next 12 hours. During this period, Ruhmann falls in love and gains a whole new lease on life. Frantically, he seeks out the man whom he has hired to bump him off -- only to find out that the latter has sold his "contract" to another fellow -- who in turn has sold it to a third party. Eventually, the whole mess is wrapped up with a Keystone-like car chase. Famed composer Friedrich Hollander shows up in a minor role, complete with patently phony mustache. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi