Landschaft Mit Unsichtbarer Hand
Cory FinleySchauspieler:
Asante Blackk, Kylie Rogers, Tiffany Haddish, Brooklynn MacKinzie, Josh Hamilton, Michael Gandolfini, John Newberg, Dev H Patel, Geanna Funes, Christian Adam, Nickolas Wolf, Whitney Goin, Vishwas, William Jackson Harper, Tony Vogel, Thea CamaraIn einer nahen Zukunft: Eine außerirdische Spezies, die als Vuvv bekannt ist, hat die Erde in Besitz genommen und damit den Zusammenbruch des Arbeitsmarktes und der Weltwirtschaft verursacht. Ein Teenager und seine Freundin finden einen Weg, Geld zu verdienen, indem sie ihr Liebesleben an die faszinierten Aliens weitergeben...
Years into a benevolent alien occupation, mankind is still adjusting to its new overlords. Their technology initially held promise for global prosperity, but rendered most human jobs – and steady income – obsolete. When two teenagers discover the aliens are fascinated with human love and will pay for access to it, they decide to livestream their romance to make extra cash for their families.
Years into a benevolent alien occupation, mankind is still adjusting to its new overlords. Their technology initially held promise for global prosperity, but rendered most human jobs – and steady income – obsolete. When two teenagers discover the aliens are fascinated with human love and will pay for access to it, they decide to livestream their romance to make extra cash for their families.