Der Meister und Margarita
Aleksandar PetrovicSchauspieler:
Ugo Tognazzi, Mimsy Farmer, Alain Cuny, Velimir 'Bata' ZivojinovicIm Frühling des Jahres 1930, Stalin befindet sich gerade auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht, kommt der Teufel nach Moskau. Unter dem Deckmantel des mondänen Gentleman Woland verbreiten er und seine Gefolgschaft bald Angst und Schrecken unter der korrupten Elite der Hauptstadt. Auch der Schriftsteller Nikolai , der mit seiner Assistentin Margherita gegen den Willen der Staatsmacht an einem Roman über Pontius Pilatus arbeitet, bleibt nicht verschont. Schon nach kurzer Zeit sind die Schicksale aller Protagonisten über sämtliche Grenzen von Zeit und Raum hinweg auf Gedeih und Verderb miteinander verbunden.
The Master and Margaret (1972) is based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. The film is set in the Soviet Union under Stalin, it has several story-lines, that are intertwined. Maestro Nikolai Masoudov (Tognazzi), a talented writer, and his assistant Margaret (Farmer), are working on a biblical story of Pontius Pilate (Tadic). The Satan - Woland (Cuny), and his lieutenants, are harassing Master by surveillance, by killing his friend, and sending another friend to Gulag prison in Siberia. Victimized by their harassment, Master becomes paranoid, and is locked up in a mental institution. Margaret is trying to save him regardless of the danger.
The Master and Margaret (1972) is based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. The film is set in the Soviet Union under Stalin, it has several story-lines, that are intertwined. Maestro Nikolai Masoudov (Tognazzi), a talented writer, and his assistant Margaret (Farmer), are working on a biblical story of Pontius Pilate (Tadic). The Satan - Woland (Cuny), and his lieutenants, are harassing Master by surveillance, by killing his friend, and sending another friend to Gulag prison in Siberia. Victimized by their harassment, Master becomes paranoid, and is locked up in a mental institution. Margaret is trying to save him regardless of the danger.