Der Nächste, bitte!
Pascal ChaumeilSchauspieler:
Dany Boon, Diane Kruger, Olivier Claverie, Etienne Chicot, Muriel Solvay, Emeline Bayart, Alice Pol, Robert Plagnol, Jonathan Cohen, Bernadette Le Saché, Laure Calamy, Malonn Lévana, Jean-Yves Chilot, Amélie Denarié, Jean-Paul BezzinaÜber Isabelles Familie liegt ein Fluch. Die erste Ehe geht immer in die Brüche, die zweite hält. Um dem Schicksal ein Schnippchen zu schlagen, hat Isabelle die Idee, einen Fremden zu heiraten und sich dann scheiden zu lassen, um das ewige Glück an der Seite ihres langjährigen Traummannes zu finden. Eine turbulente Odyssee vom Norden Europas über Kenia bis nach Moskau beginnt. Um die (Schein-)Heirat bei den Massai aufzulösen, muss sich die Lady, die erst spät merkt, wer der Richtige ist, einige Biestigkeiten einfallen lassen.
Nach "Der Auftragslover" bleibt Regisseur Pasacal Chaumeuil dem Komödienfach treu, bietet herzhafte und charmante Screwball-Comedy, gespickt mit absurden Situationen, rücksichtslosen Gemeinheiten und romantischen Momenten. Dany Boon agiert als Komiker routiniert. Die Überraschung ist die urkomische Diane Kruger als wildes Energiebündel, das der komplexen weiblichen Figur bei dem verrückten Liebesabenteuer mit anrührendem Happy End Gefühl einhaucht. Dieses Duo möchte man öfter zusammen sehen.
In Paris, Corinne "Coco" brings her chief Valérie to spend the Christmas Eve with her family. Valérie is depressed since she is newly divorced and Coco decides to tell the story of her sister Isabelle to Valérie to cheer her up. Isabelle is a dentist that has been living with and working in the same office of her boyfriend Pierre for ten years. When they decide to get married, Isabelle and Coco are worried about the family curse that every first marriage ends in divorce. Isabelle and Coco arrange a marriage for Isabelle with a student in Copenhagen so that she can immediately divorce to marry Pierre to live happily ever after. In the flight, Isabelle meets the inconvenient free-spirited tourism columnist Jean-Yves that is traveling to Kenya. When the student does not show up, Isabelle decides to travel to Kenya to marry Jean-Yves. She has the chance when they travel to visit a Masai people when they get married. Isabelle returns to Paris and when she goes to schedule her wedding with ...
In Paris, Corinne "Coco" brings her chief Valérie to spend the Christmas Eve with her family. Valérie is depressed since she is newly divorced and Coco decides to tell the story of her sister Isabelle to Valérie to cheer her up. Isabelle is a dentist that has been living with and working in the same office of her boyfriend Pierre for ten years. When they decide to get married, Isabelle and Coco are worried about the family curse that every first marriage ends in divorce. Isabelle and Coco arrange a marriage for Isabelle with a student in Copenhagen so that she can immediately divorce to marry Pierre to live happily ever after. In the flight, Isabelle meets the inconvenient free-spirited tourism columnist Jean-Yves that is traveling to Kenya. When the student does not show up, Isabelle decides to travel to Kenya to marry Jean-Yves. She has the chance when they travel to visit a Masai people when they get married. Isabelle returns to Paris and when she goes to schedule her wedding with ...