Der Rabe
Lew LandersSchauspieler:
Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Lester Matthews, Irene Ware, Samuel S. Hinds, Spencer Charters, Inez Courtney, Ian Wolfe, Maidel Turner, Raine Bennett, Al Ferguson, Nina Golden, Jonathan Hale, Arthur Hoyt, Walter Miller, Bud OsborneEin wohlhabender Richter lockt den exzentrischen Hirnchirurgen Dr. Vollin aus dem Ruhestand, damit der das Leben seiner Tochter retten soll, die bei einem Autounfall eine schwere Kopfverletzung erlitten hat. Vollin, besessen von den Geschichten von Edgar Allen Poe, kann das Mädchen retten, doch er sieht ihn ihr auch seine Lenore und schmiedet einen Plan, um ihren Verlobten und ihren Vater zu töten. Für die Drecksarbeit engagiert er einen gesuchten Kriminellen und verwandelt ihn in ein scheußliches Monster.
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter who in no way wants him. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiance to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having "tortured" him.
A brilliant but deranged neurosurgeon becomes obsessively fixated on a judge's daughter who in no way wants him. With the help of an escaped criminal whose face he has surgically deformed, the mad man lures her, her father, and her fiance to his isolated castle-like home, where he has created a torture chamber with the intent of torturing them for having "tortured" him.