Der Schatz des Gehenkten
John SturgesSchauspieler:
Robert Taylor, Richard Widmark, Patricia Owens, Robert Middleton, Henry Silva, DeForest Kelley, Burt Douglas, Eddie FirestoneÜberfälle auf Banken und Postkutschen – das hat Jake Wade hinter sich. Jetzt trägt er den Sheriffstern, ist verlobt und wandelt auf dem Pfad der Tugend. Bis ihn sein Partner aus den Outlaw-Tagen aufspürt: Er kidnappt den Sheriff und sein Mädchen und zwingt sie zu einem langen Ritt, denn er will die Beute haben, die Wade vor Jahren vergraben hat – was die Kidnapper und ihre Gefangenen in das lebensgefährliche Gebiet der Comanchen bringt. John Sturges (Gesprengte Ketten) führt Regie und setzt damit seine schroffen, aus den Figuren heraus entwickelten Action-Storys fort. Robert Taylor und Richard Widmark bilden lebendige Gegenpole als entschlossener Held und verkommener Desperado. Und die schneebedeckten Gipfel der Sierra bilden die monumentale Kulisse für das eskalierende Duell.
Jake Wade breaks Clint Hollister out of jail to pay off an old debt, though it's clear there is some pretty deep hostility between them. They part, and Jake returns to his small-town marshal's job and his fiancée only to find he has been tracked there by Hollister. It seems they were once in a gang together and Jake knows where the proceeds of a bank hold-up are hidden. Hollister and his sidekicks make off into the hills, taking along the trussed-up marshal and his kidnapped bride-to-be to force the lawman to show them where the loot is.
Jake Wade breaks Clint Hollister out of jail to pay off an old debt, though it's clear there is some pretty deep hostility between them. They part, and Jake returns to his small-town marshal's job and his fiancée only to find he has been tracked there by Hollister. It seems they were once in a gang together and Jake knows where the proceeds of a bank hold-up are hidden. Hollister and his sidekicks make off into the hills, taking along the trussed-up marshal and his kidnapped bride-to-be to force the lawman to show them where the loot is.