Michael HofmannSchauspieler:
Katharina Schüttler, Alexander Beyer, Robert Stadlober, Thomas Schüler, Boris Aljinovic, Martin Brambach, Traugott BuhreSophie ist schwanger. In der Nacht vor dem Abtreibungstermin zieht sie ziellos durch die nächtlichen Straßen von Hamburg. Völlig frustriert schüttet sie Alkohol in sich. Dabei provoziert Sie die Männer mit ihrer Wut und Verzweiflung und klaut dabei ein Motorrad, wird in einer Rockerkneiper fast vergewaltigt, nervt Taxifahrer und trifft später auf einen jungen Filmvorführer...
The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...
The film starts in the early evening of a normal day: Sophie, a 20 year old girl, is pregnant and wanders through the night to get sure about her future life. Does she want to be a mother or do an abortion? Does she love her friend or not? Who is the father of her unborn baby? Trying to figure out what to do Sophie encounters many people, and in the morning she has come to a decision. But this is not the movie's end...