Der Tag des Delphins
Mike NicholsSchauspieler:
George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Paul Sorvino, John Dehner, Severn Darden, Elizabeth Wilson, Fritz Weaver, Jon Korkes, Edward Herrmann, Leslie Charleson, John David Carson, Victoria Racimo, William Roerick, Phyllis Davis, Pat Zurica, Willie MyersNach langen Jahren des Trainings hat Dr.Jack Terrell (George C.Scott) es geschafft, eine sprachliche Kommunikationsbasis zu seinen beiden Delphinen aufzubauen, so daß sie ein rudimentäres English verstehen und sogar "sprechen" können. Als das bekannt wird, werden ihm die Tiere eines Tages gestohlen. Mit seiner Frau Maggie (Trish van Devere) macht er sich auf die Suche und kommt bald einer Organisation auf die Spur, die die Tiere für ein raffiniertes politisches Attentat mißbrauchen wollen. Für Terrell beginnt ein Wettlauf mit der Zeit, um die geliebten Tiere zu retten und den Mordanschlag zu verhindern.
Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to discover who is the target, and where the dolphins are, before the attempt is carried out.
Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabulary. When the dolphins are stolen, he discovers they're to be used in an assassination attempt. Now he is in a race to discover who is the target, and where the dolphins are, before the attempt is carried out.