Der Voodoo-Fluch
Richard FriedmanSchauspieler:
Andrew Stevens, Mary Page Keller, David Ramsey, Josh Segal, Bill Hindman, Jackie Davis, Nicole Fortier, Tony Shepherd, Tom Kouchalakos, Jennifer Hingel, Richard JasonSklaven belegen das Haus und den Besitz ihres grausamen Peinigers mit einem Fluch. 130 Jahre später ziehen die Pop-Sängerin Kate Christopher, deren Sohn und der Psychiater David Young in das Haus ein. Wenig später beunruhigen sie der mysteriöse Fund einiger Gegenstände und zweier Skelette, sowie unheimliche Träume und Erscheinungen. Die wahren Schrecken stehen aber noch bevor.
Kate's a single mom rock star recovering from a nervous breakdown; David is her psychiatrist turned lover. After David buys an old Charleston mansion and Kate and her son move in with him, strange events occur including the discoveries of a secret hidden attic and the diary of the murderous slave trader who owned the home. Kate hears a piano playing by itself and sees the ghost of the slave trader who once lived there. Their relationship is strained by the bizarre events as Kate's sanity is again questioned as she insists what she's seen is real...but is it?
Kate's a single mom rock star recovering from a nervous breakdown; David is her psychiatrist turned lover. After David buys an old Charleston mansion and Kate and her son move in with him, strange events occur including the discoveries of a secret hidden attic and the diary of the murderous slave trader who owned the home. Kate hears a piano playing by itself and sees the ghost of the slave trader who once lived there. Their relationship is strained by the bizarre events as Kate's sanity is again questioned as she insists what she's seen is real...but is it?