Detention - Gejagt
Harry WinerSchauspieler:
Alison Brie, Yancey Arias, Alex Solowitz, Penelope Ann Miller, Carlos Sanz, Lobo Sebastian, Peter Pasco, Mo McRae, Abby Cooper, Shahine Ezell, Tricia Gilfone, Bruce Katzman, Jeremy Luke, Christian Monzon, Bridget WhiteDie Handlung dreht sich um die Lehrerin Gloria, die Augenzeugin eines Mordes wird, bei dem ein Drogendealer einen Jugendlichen tötet. Sie hat nicht den Mut zur Polizei zu gehen – und beobachtet kurze Zeit später einen zweiten Mord. Diesmal allerdings hat der Täter sie erkannt, und er will sie nun als mögliche Gefahr für sich ausschalten.
Teacher Gloria Abraham witnesses the murder of a student by a local drug dealer, Oscar Reyes, while on the way to work. After agreeing to testify, she is then targeted by the dealer and his thugs. They decide to take care of her while she is overseeing Saturday detentions at the school. Will she and her students survive detention?
Teacher Gloria Abraham witnesses the murder of a student by a local drug dealer, Oscar Reyes, while on the way to work. After agreeing to testify, she is then targeted by the dealer and his thugs. They decide to take care of her while she is overseeing Saturday detentions at the school. Will she and her students survive detention?