Die Abenteuer des jungen Sinbad 3: Das wundersame Tor
Shinpei MiyashitaSchauspieler:
Momoko Tanabe, Tomo Muranaka, Ai Nonaka, Akira Ishida, Kouji Haramaki, Masato Obara, Nao Nagasawa, Tadashi Miyazawa, Takeshi Kaga, Yutaka Aoyama, Fukushi Ochiai, Ryuuzaburou Ootomo, Toshinobu Iida, Yukiko Morishita, Yuriko Yamamoto, Yutaka FurukawaDie Suche nach Sanas Kameraden geht weiter. Sara, die Sinbad ihr Herz öffnet, enthüllt ihre schreckliche Geschichte, wie der Lehrling ihres Vaters, Galip, das friedliche Königreich und ihre Familie durch den Einsatz der Zauberermacht zerstörte. Plötzlich zeigt die magische Lampe den Durchgang "zum Wundertor zum Land der Vorfahren, das in der Nacht am Hochmittag erscheint", aber die Soldaten von Galip blockieren ihren Weg.
The search for Sana’s comrades continues. Sara who opens up her heart to Sinbad reveals her horrible story of how her father’s apprentice Galip destroyed the peaceful kingdom and her family by using the wizardly power. Suddenly the Magic Lamp shows the passage “to the Wonder Gate to the land of ancestors that appears in the Night at High Noon,” but Galip’s solders block their path.
The search for Sana’s comrades continues. Sara who opens up her heart to Sinbad reveals her horrible story of how her father’s apprentice Galip destroyed the peaceful kingdom and her family by using the wizardly power. Suddenly the Magic Lamp shows the passage “to the Wonder Gate to the land of ancestors that appears in the Night at High Noon,” but Galip’s solders block their path.