Die Abenteuer von Elmo im Grummelland
Gary HalvorsonSchauspieler:
Steve Whitmire, Mandy Patinkin, Caroll Spinney, Dave Goelz, Vanessa Williams, Joey Mazzarino, Jerry Nelson, David Rudman, Roscoe Orman, Kevin Clash, Sonia Manzano, Fran Brill, Stephanie D'Abruzzo, Carmen Osbahr, Martin P. RobinsonDer kleine, zottelige Elmo aus der Sesamstraße verliert durch ein Missgeschick seine Kuscheldecke. Kurzerhand macht er sich in Oskars Mülltonne auf die Suche nach ihr und landet unfreiwillig im vermüllten, gefährlichen Grummelland, dem miesepetrigsten Ort auf der ganzen Welt. Dort haust obendrein der habgierige Raffky, der es ausgerechnet auf Elmos “Kuschli” abgesehen hat. Dieser aber gibt sich nicht so leicht geschlagen – vor allem, weil ihm die Freunde aus der Sesamstraße bei seinem größten Abenteuer beistehen.
Abenteuerlicher Film vom Meister der Puppen Jim Henson mit Figuren der "Sesam Straße".
Elmo loves his fuzzy, blue blanket, and would never let anything happen to it. However, a tug-of-war with his friend Zoe sends his blanket to a faraway land, and Elmo in hot pursuit. Facing life without his cherished blanket, Elmo musters all of his determination and courage and heads off on an action-packed rescue mission that plunges him into Grouchland, a place full of grouchy creatures, stinky garbage and the villainous Huxley. Along the way, Elmo learns an important lesson about sharing, realizing that he was selfish with his friend and responsible for what happened.
Elmo loves his fuzzy, blue blanket, and would never let anything happen to it. However, a tug-of-war with his friend Zoe sends his blanket to a faraway land, and Elmo in hot pursuit. Facing life without his cherished blanket, Elmo musters all of his determination and courage and heads off on an action-packed rescue mission that plunges him into Grouchland, a place full of grouchy creatures, stinky garbage and the villainous Huxley. Along the way, Elmo learns an important lesson about sharing, realizing that he was selfish with his friend and responsible for what happened.