Hotel mit Herz
Kevin ConnorSchauspieler:
Adam Mayfield, Arielle Kebbel, Haylie Duff, Paul Ganus, Marion Ross, Jonathan BennettAls Tom (Adam Mayfield) erfährt, dass seine Großmutter (Marion Ross) schwer krank ist, kehrt er nach Jahren wieder in seinen Heimatort zurück. Ihr gehört ein kleines Hotel, von dem eine gewisse Magie ausgeht: Paare finden sich dort, heiraten und sind dann ihr Leben lang glücklich.
Doch dieses Paradies ist in Gefahr. Ohne ihr Wissen hat sich Toms Großmutter schwer verschuldet und als sie dann auch noch stirbt, steht Tom vor einer schweren Entscheidung. Soll er das Hotel verkaufen oder um sein Erbe kämpfen? Unterstützt wird er dabei von Nancy (Arielle Kebbel), die als Polizistin in der Gemeinde arbeitet und Tom nicht mehr aus dem Kopf geht.
After getting his heart broken by his childhood sweetheart, Tom Campbell escaped from his home town to join the military. Years later, Tom returns home with the news of his grandmother’s failing health and business. A town treasure, Cupid’s is known for its enchanting reputation of guiding guests to find love. Chelsea, the mayor and Tom’s ex-flame, takes advantage of this bad news and devises a scheme to get the property sold to make way for a mall. Although pressured to save the bed and breakfast, Tom’s history of heart break makes it difficult to stand up for such a symbol of love. Sharing in his skepticism of love is Nancy, a new police officer in town. With Nancy’s encouragement, Tom just might make the effort to keep the landmark afloat after all.
After getting his heart broken by his childhood sweetheart, Tom Campbell escaped from his home town to join the military. Years later, Tom returns home with the news of his grandmother’s failing health and business. A town treasure, Cupid’s is known for its enchanting reputation of guiding guests to find love. Chelsea, the mayor and Tom’s ex-flame, takes advantage of this bad news and devises a scheme to get the property sold to make way for a mall. Although pressured to save the bed and breakfast, Tom’s history of heart break makes it difficult to stand up for such a symbol of love. Sharing in his skepticism of love is Nancy, a new police officer in town. With Nancy’s encouragement, Tom just might make the effort to keep the landmark afloat after all.