Die Brücke von Arnheim
Richard AttenboroughSchauspieler:
Sean Connery, Ryan O’Neal, Gene Hackman, Wolfgang Preiss, Hartmut Becker, Dirk Bogarde, Hans von Borsody, Paul Maxwell, Siem Vroom, Marlies van Alcmaer, Erik van 't Wout, Josephine Peeper, Walter Kohut, Peter Faber, Frank GrimesIm September 1944 springen über Holland 35.000 alliierte Fallschirmjäger unter dem Kommando des britischen Generals Browning hinter den deutschen Linien ab. Sie sollen sechs strategisch wichtige Rheinbrücken besetzen und halten, bis sie von Bodentruppen entsetzt werden. Die Operation wird ein Fiasko. Die Männer landen im Schussfeld zweier deutscher Panzerdivisionen, werden voneinander abgeschnitten und müssen getrennt operieren. Das Unternehmen wird zum Massaker. Die Männer von General Urquhart nehmen die Brücke von Arnheim.
Monumentaler Kriegsfilm über die Invasion 1944 mit riesigem internationalem Staraufgebot. Das gewaltigste Luftunternehmen der Alliierten steht im Mittelpunkt des Geschehens: 35000 Fallschirmspringer besetzen strategische Brückenköpfe in den Niederlanden, um so den deutschen Westwall zu umgehen.
The true story of Operation Market Garden, the Allies attempt, in September 1944, to hasten the end of WW2 by driving through Belgium and Holland into Germany. The idea was for US airborne divisions to take the towns of Eindhoven and Nijmegen and a British airborne division, reinforced by a Polish airborne brigade, to take the town of Arnhem. They would be reinforced, in due course and in turn, by the British XXX Corps, land-based and driving up from the British lines in the south. The key to the operation was the bridges, as if the Germans held or blew them, the paratroopers could not be relieved. Faulty intelligence, Allied high command hubris and stubborn German resistance would ensure that Arnhem was a bridge too far.
The true story of Operation Market Garden, the Allies attempt, in September 1944, to hasten the end of WW2 by driving through Belgium and Holland into Germany. The idea was for US airborne divisions to take the towns of Eindhoven and Nijmegen and a British airborne division, reinforced by a Polish airborne brigade, to take the town of Arnhem. They would be reinforced, in due course and in turn, by the British XXX Corps, land-based and driving up from the British lines in the south. The key to the operation was the bridges, as if the Germans held or blew them, the paratroopers could not be relieved. Faulty intelligence, Allied high command hubris and stubborn German resistance would ensure that Arnhem was a bridge too far.